
Friday 22 June 2018

Kia Manawanui Interview

Kia Manawanui Interview
This week Tuesday was the day were we got prepared for the interview, Tuesday morning I came into the class and saw most girls preparing the class for the film crew, some were stapling photos and reflections and some were laminating and others were helping Ms. Aireen. I came inside the class and helped laminate photos and reflections, after I finished laminating I then decided to help staple things on the wall. It took at least 1/2 a day for the student leader girls to prepare things for the interview. We rushed because Ms. Aireen didn't know about the interview and just got told about it so we rushed and some accidents happened but all was good.

Later on the Film crew entered the class and I could see on most students faces that some were nervous and some were excited, I knew that Ms. Aireen was nervous because she didn't know any thing until Monday. Lucky for us students we didn't have to do anything but carrying on working and to not look at the camera. It took a while but the next step was to interview Ms. Aireen.

For us students we kept on working while Ms. Aireen was beening interview, The interview took almost the first block, Just before the bell rang the interview was finsihed and done, the good thing was that we got through the interview but the sad thing was that only most of the class got to be in the film.
I really enjoyed helping Ms. Aireen and the class set the class up for the film.
Image result for kia manawanui

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