
Tuesday 20 August 2019

💬Buddy Class Blog Commenting💬

💬Buddy Class Blog Commenting💬
IALT: Post a Postivite, Helpful, and Thoughtful comment on my buddy class blogs.

Kia Ora and welcome back to my blog! I know I haven't been blogging much lately and I just wanted to let you all know that I really am trying my best to find something to blog about or to complete my work to be able to blog it. Right now I will be sharing with you all my 2 blog comments that I have posted on my buddy class blogs. 

Thursday 15 August 2019

Technology - Hard Material

Technology - Hard Material
IALT: Create A Ship During Our Session In Hard Material.

Talofa Lava and welcome back to my blog! As you all know every Thrusday's we have Technology at Tamaki College and right now me and my group are currently in Hard Material where we have Mr. Grundy. You may have known that last year for Hard Material we had to create a pendent, well this we are creating woodwork and from my previous blog you may have known that I have chosen to create a ship, I feel that creating a ship was simple and suitable for me and if you really know me well you would know that I am a simple and easy going person.
(Click Here to view my previous blog about Hard Material)

Moving on, if you've read my previous blog which is linked above, you will have known that during our sessions in Hard Material, I will be creating a Ship which is basically for my younger brother who is 10 Years Old and almost everyday he's always playing with his cars and so I thought that he may want a Ship aswell. 

Right now I have started and is still trying to complete chiseling my woodwork and this is our second to last session before rotating for the last time and right now im hoping to complete this woodwork in time before rotating. That is all for today, enjoy the rest of your day/week!

Thursday 1 August 2019

🧠🗣Smart Relationships - Cybersmart🗣🧠

🧠🗣Smart Relationships - Cybersmart🗣🧠
IALT: Write a blog post about what is a smart relationship

Kia Ora and greetings to you all! Another day at Tamaki Primary and yet another blog! During today's blog I will be sharing with you all what it means to have or be in a smart relationship. To start off this blog I want to talk about the qualities that are required within a smart relationship, here are a bunch of qualities listed down below:

- Truthful
- Trustworthy
- Honest
- Smart sharing
- Careful
- Always think twice
- Reliable
- Responsible
- Respect
- Loyalty

These qualities above are only half of what is required within a smart relationship. Moving on, what I think smart relationships mean, is for both people/person to be Honest and Trustworthy, you can have a smart relationship with ANYONE, your parents, your siblings, your friends, AND you can even have a smart relationship with youself! Down below is an acrostic poem using the word/s 

S - Smart Sharing Online
M - Making Smart/Good Choices
A - Achieving Goals
R - Reliable/Responsible
T - Truthful

R - Respect
E - Enlightened
L - Loyalty
A - Acceptance
T - Trustworthy
I - Intelligent
O - Observant
N - NEVER share your private information
S - Strong Minded
H - Honesty
I - Integrity
P - Protecting Private information
S -  Be SAFE online

Here is my presentation explaining Smart Relationships: