
Friday 29 June 2018


Today me and my group took others opinions if Matariki should be an offical public holiday. We made an oral presentation explaining others opinions. I agree that Matariki should be a public holiday because I think that the Maori people were the ones that found NZ so therefore I think that is it fair that they should have a public holiday. Here is a google drawing me and my group made:

Leave a comment below of what you think about having Matariki an offical public holiday.

Friday 22 June 2018

Kia Manawanui Interview

Kia Manawanui Interview
This week Tuesday was the day were we got prepared for the interview, Tuesday morning I came into the class and saw most girls preparing the class for the film crew, some were stapling photos and reflections and some were laminating and others were helping Ms. Aireen. I came inside the class and helped laminate photos and reflections, after I finished laminating I then decided to help staple things on the wall. It took at least 1/2 a day for the student leader girls to prepare things for the interview. We rushed because Ms. Aireen didn't know about the interview and just got told about it so we rushed and some accidents happened but all was good.

Later on the Film crew entered the class and I could see on most students faces that some were nervous and some were excited, I knew that Ms. Aireen was nervous because she didn't know any thing until Monday. Lucky for us students we didn't have to do anything but carrying on working and to not look at the camera. It took a while but the next step was to interview Ms. Aireen.

For us students we kept on working while Ms. Aireen was beening interview, The interview took almost the first block, Just before the bell rang the interview was finsihed and done, the good thing was that we got through the interview but the sad thing was that only most of the class got to be in the film.
I really enjoyed helping Ms. Aireen and the class set the class up for the film.
Image result for kia manawanui

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Making connections with the solar system

Making connections with the solar system

Here I have a presentation that shows what we learnt about our solar system, in this presentation you will see that we have at least 5 questions that relate to our topic and it is about making connections with the solar system, Me and my inquiry investigation group have researched about our solar system, we had our questions relating to our topic and found some answers, we all had a slide each to talk about our solar system, In slide 5 i'll be talking to you's about how the planets got their names.
Here is the solar system presentation that me and my group have created:

200!! Blogposts

200!! blogposts
Talofa lava and greetings to all today is a VERY SPECIAL DAY, I finally reached 200!! blogposts after all the hard work throughout these years I finally reached 200. I did have some hard times with blogging but I did get through it. I am so glad that I have reached 200 blogposts this is part of my goals to get 200 blogposts.
I just wanted to say thanks to my friends and family and to my teachers for pushing me to blog more so that I could achieve my goal. I really am glad and also thrilled and hop that by the end of this year I will be able to get 300 blogposts so see you then.

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Girls Tai Chi lesson (T2W8)

Girls Tai Chi lesson
Today the Kia manawanui girls had Tai Chi today, today our power word was 'Courage' in my own words I think that the word courage means being able to do things without having fear or doubt about it. From what i've learnt I think that courage is important and you need courage every know and then. Throughout the 8 weeks of Tai Chi I really enjoyed having fun with friends and family and also being able to share things in between the group, I think that I am know improving in my confidence and have began to show more and more.
Here down below is my reflection of Tai Chi:

Friday 15 June 2018

Music session!

Yesterday we had music, and for music this week we got to clap the song to This old man and also played a little game could Beat dogs. Everything you need to know about my session at music is in this google drawing, I can't wait to tell you guys about next week's session. Hope you enjoyed!

Thursday 14 June 2018



Today we have wait for it... TECHNOLOGY!! today I am in cooking, last week was our FIRST week of cooking, we changed our groups so first I was in Hard materials but NOW I am in cooking I was really hoping to do cooking last because some say that cooking is best if you have it last.

Well any ways last week for cooking we made Hot Cakes, it was delicous what even made it better was having whip cream ontop and chocolate syrup, this week for cooking the year 7's made macarooni and cheese while the year 8's made quiche it was so delicous.

While making macarooni and cheese we had some difficulty finding out when to finish and when to start the next step, in my group was me, Lydia, and Taonga. What I found challenging was mixing everything together but what I found amazing is how our macarooni and cheese turned out in the end and the best part was getting to eat it.

I have to say cooking may seem hard.. well actually it is but at the end you still will be able to enjoy the nice cooked meal you have made, I have to stay me and my group did a great job even Lydia when it was her first time cutting the onions. If we all work together as a TEAM I am sure that things will turn our right at the end.

I just want to say that I really enjoyed cooking this week and last week I mostly enjoyed the hot cakes. I CANNOT wait for the following week.

Girls Tai Chi

Girls Tai Chi

This week we had Tai Chi again! And this week for Tai Chi we did our morning exercise and then got into a circle (Like always) So we then got a chair and made a circle as told. Then to start off our conversation Mr. Gordon started off by saying his positive comment and his negative comment, and also his random act of kindness. After a while of listening to Mr. Gordon talking we then started off by having the first person at the start of the circle stand up and also say their positive and negative comments and also again their random act of kindness.

We all got a turn to stand up and talk about our week then once the very last person finished we then got into talking about how Mr. Gordon's daughter (Jessie) had a bucket list of all the things she wanted to do before she ran out of time meaning before she passes, on her list she had it there that she wanted to celebrate her 25th birthday in Las Vegas with her friends, they all saved up for they're ticket to Las Vegas.

We then started running out of time and didn't get enough time to play a game or even talk about our word of the week but any ways our word of the week was 'Team work' and we should already know what that means.
I just wanted to say that I am thrilled to have Tai Chi for girls and can't wait for next week. 

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Inquiry - Gravity

Inquiry - Gravity

Yesterday in the 12th of June 2018 we had inquiry with Mrs. Fepuleai, and for inquiry yesterday we talked about the same topic as last week, we talked about Gravity and what gravity is. First of all to start off the lesson we recaped on what we talked about last week, after recaping on last weeks lesson we then watched a 9min video talking about what gravity is. It took a while for me to understand what gravity is but then I began to get it. 

later on we got given a google drawing that was based on gravity it had about five or four key questions in the drawing, what we had to do was watch the video again and find the answers to the questions, I found that activity pretty easy and also enjoyed it at the same time. After a while of searching for the answers we then stopped for a while talking about what goes in each slide of our presentation about gravity. So basically on our first slide we have our gravity review and we also have all the key questions on the first slide aswell, then on the second slide we have a screenshot of our google drawing about gravity, and lastly on our third slide we have in our own words what we know about gravity.

Lastly to finish off our inquiry lesson we then got a turn one by one to stand on a tall stool chair and hold in each hand a basketball and in the other was a tennis ball. Once we have all those two things in our hands we then on the count of three we then drop it at the same time and at the same height, we then saw that both balls fell at the same time. 

I have to say I really enjoyed our inquiry lesson yesterday I really learnt alot about gravity and hope to learn more soon lucky we might have iquiry again next week YAY!!!

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Tai Chi

YAY! we had Tai Chi for the girls last week and during our Tai Chi lesson we talked about our likes and dislikes about camp and we also talked about the word of the week which was 'Patience' I have learnt alot from last weeks lesson and can't wait for next week.

Script and Scribe

Today for word study I have created my own word search, here is my Script and Scribe word search. I thought of doing this because we have been learning about Script and Scribe.

Friday 8 June 2018

Term 2 Blog post goal!

Today I have decided to blog about my blog post goals for Term 2, I hope that I can achieve these goals and really hope to reach 250 blog posts by the end of this year. I know I can do this with the help of my friends and family.


Talofa lava! Today I wrote a reflection based on music, this week on Thrusday we had music with Caleb(Music teacher) We had alot of fun playing games(Danger pattern, High and low game) learing and also getting to play on the xylophones. I enjoyed this week's music lesson and hope that next week's lesson will be the same. 


This week Thursday we had Technology and for Technology we had cooking YAY!! This week was the first week to try something new, This week we got to make Hot cakes, I loved how it turn out in the end, I enjoyed eating it with whip cream and chocolate syrup. I love cooking and cannot wait for next week.

Thursday - Shared Lunch

Yesterday we had shared lunch to celebrate our week at Camp Raglan, thank you to all the adult helpers and to Ms .Aireen and Ms. Komor, I enjoyed my time at camp and really enjoyed the food that was provided at the Thursday shared lunch.

Camp Raglan Reflection!!

Today I wrote a reflection about our trip to Camp Raglan, I had a lot of fun and made great memories, what I enjoyed the most throughout camp week was Fia Fia night, it was the best I enjoyed the performances and found it very entertaining, I loved being at camp Raglan and also enjoyed the view, I really enjoyed spending quality time with my friends I made new friends and loved bonding with them. 

Here are some photos of Camp Raglan:

First day of camp Raglan: