
Wednesday 13 February 2019

Attitude Program With Tony

Attitude Program With Tony
IALT: Discuss about who we are as a Student, Learner, etc. How we are influenced by the enviroment around us.

Today during the first block we had Tony our Attitude program teacher (which is also Kelly's son) come into our class to teach us students about who we are and what the environment around us can influence us students to do in life. As you all know Tony did come last year as well, but last year instead of teaching about the how the environment can influence us, Tony, was talking about Puberty and about the different girl/boy friendships. 

We first started off the day by having Tony introduce himself to the Year 7 students who did not know him. He started his presentation with an interesting question which I think no one would ask themselves, any guesses about what the question was?... 
"Who am I?" That's an interesting question right? having him talk about the question I was asking myself "Oh yeah, Who am I?" I thought about it and it took me a while to actually think about the question, he then moved on from the question and had introduced a new question as well, which was "Am I normal?" Tony brought up this question and informed us about his problems that had oftenly happened, Tony mentioned the name for the problem he was having but I really didn't stick it in my head, he mentioned that the first time that the problem that he had happened was back in intermediate, while playing at the park/playground he reached out to the monkey bar and once he grabbed onto the bar he suddenly blacked out and not long after he woke up laying in a puddle having others surrond him laughing, not even having the initiative to help him up. I found that story interesting because it relates back to the question which we discussed before which was "Am I normal?" He took it back to the question and said that we ALL are different in our own way, so we all have our differences and should accept who we are.

After the lesson about Who we are and how the environment influences us, we then moved onto a different topic talking about these three (3) things:

  •  Genes - Personalities you get from your parents that are similar to them
  • Environment - The influence from others who surround you such as friends, family, and etc.
  • Choices - Making the right choices, changing your attitude and always trying something new. 
After having our lesson with Tony altogether as a class, we then were separated into our two (2) groups, we had group 1 go with Tony into room 9 for our workshop while having group 2 stay in room 10 blogging about the Hauora task from yesterday. In room 9 we discussed about the four (4) different personalities, an Otter (The entertainer), a Lion (The director), the Golden retriever (The peacemaker), and last but not least the Beaver (The Hardworker). I find myself relating as to a Golden retriever and a Beaver because I am a humble person who walks away from a negative agrument, a kind and caring person who likes to put others first, and committed person who likes to focus and to stay on task. We had to complete an activity that was relating to the four (4) personalities, which needed us students to tick the boxes if that personality suits us. In total for all four sections my highest answer was 16 for both the Beaver and the Golden retriever section.

We then played a game which required us to be in two separate groups, within this game Tony had to call out random skills and in our groups we had to nominate someone who has that skill to go up infront of the class and PROVE that they do have that skill and to compete with each other who is better at the skill an example: Tony called out "Someone who has a strong thumb!" and our group nominated Stanley to go infront playing against Faafiu, surprisingly Faafiu won against Stanley to a game of Pinuckle/Thumb war. After having a game or two we then moved onto our second activity which had a list of different goals and on the left side of the goals where spaces for us to write down what we can do TODAY to achieve or to get to that goal, we then had our own space to write down our own goals and write down next to them how we can achieve that goal in the future an example my goal was to become a singer or an actress.

Before ending our workshop with Tony we then had our last game for the day and I am pretty sure that you all know what this game is, "Who am I?" for those who do not know this game I will explain it to you, one person is chosen to go in front of the class and a random person writes a name down on the whiteboard and the person standing in front of the class facing the their back to the whiteboard has to guess who's name is written on the board but asking questions to the audience that are sitting. In this case we had Joshua and Coralee go up in front, on Joshua's turn we had Tony write down a cartoon characters name, Bart simpsons from the T.V. Show Simpsons, on Coralee's turn we had Tony write down the prime minister's name Jacinda Ardern. They both got the answered incorrectly and an interesting but also a funny moment was when Coralee had no idea who's name was on the board so had the chance to look back and had NO IDEA who Jacinda Adrern was! 

From having this lesson with Tony I learnt that your future can depend on the people who your surrond yourself with, the inflence that the people you surrond with can effect you AND your future. I enjoyed our lesson with Tony this week and CANNOT wait until next week for our second lesson with Tony, YAY!!!

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