
Thursday 7 February 2019

👍🤔Cybersmart (Personal/Private Information🤔👍

👍🤔Cybersmart (Personal/Private Information🤔👍
IAL: how to be cybersmart online/to know the difference between personal/private information.

Last week for our Cybersmart lesson in the Kia Manawanui syndicate we talked about the difference between personal and private information, we were also given a list of things that could be either personal or private information for example here is my DLO that I have created to explain what we had to do:

That was just an example but my work is recored down in my intergrated studies book which is back at school, so Mr. Jay some facts and as a class we gave our thoughts about weither it is personal or private information just. After doing this activity we took all that we have learnt about personal and private information and discussed about what information we could share online on our blogger profile, we were given then another task which was to write our blogger profile while also thinking about what we learnt about being cybersmart. Here is yet another example, here is my actual blogger profile that I wrote down:

Now that I know more about personal and private information I know how to be safe when going online, I learnt that personal info is information that is safe to share with others online and private info is information that is NOT SAFE to share online, examples: Home address, phone number, passwords and so on. That is all for now and remember to ALWAYS be cybersmart.😁👍
Image result for Cybersmart quotes

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